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FCKeditor default setting for align

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 10:54 am
by fesselix

in the editor the default setting for alignment of the text is in my installation "center" (buton is selcted). But if I switch to the view to show the "real" site it's left (which is correct).

How can I change it that I see the same in the editor than on the "real" site?



Re: FCKeditor default setting for align

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 11:38 am
by Holger
Hi Thomas,

I guess you're using FCKeditor4CMSimple.
The editor includes the template-css by default.
Your problem seems to be a "text-align: center;" within the body declaration.
Try to play with the css or give us a url for detailed help.
