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Mailform not sending mail

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:14 pm
by Korvell
Hi. I'm having trouble with the mailform on my site. It looks like it is working and sending the message, but nothing arrives at the mail address set in config. And it's not ending in spam folder...
I'm using XH v1.6.2. Debug mode doesn't show anything. What can I do/check/set/try?

Re: Mailform not sending mail

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 5:39 pm
by cmb
Korvell wrote:I'm having trouble with the mailform on my site. It looks like it is working and sending the message, but nothing arrives at the mail address set in config. And it's not ending in spam folder...
I'm using XH v1.6.2. Debug mode doesn't show anything.
Success of calling mail() unfortunately doesn't tell whether the mail will be delivered. A common problem is that the email will be blocked by an MTA.
Korvell wrote:What can I do/check/set/try?
The best is to look into the mail logs. You may have to ask your provider to do this for you.

And it's worth a try to set the hidden config option Mailform -> Lf_only; you have to do this in cmsimple/config.php directly:

Code: Select all


Re: Mailform not sending mail

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2014 6:21 pm
by Korvell
Thanks. I tried the hidden setting in config.ini but no success. I have contacted my provider and asked for the log files if available. Continued...

Re: Mailform not sending mail

Posted: Wed Sep 17, 2014 2:14 pm
by Korvell
OK - got in touch with my provider and it turned out to be an erroneous config setting on their servers. It's now corrected and my mailform now works as expected.
Thanks for good support once again :)

- Korvell