How do I upgrade/update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

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How do I upgrade/update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by cmb » Wed Jul 18, 2012 11:35 am

Hello Community,

a German translation is available: Wie kann ich auf das neuste CMSimple_XH upgraden/updaten?

Update: if you're already running a CMSimple_XH version with the same minor version number (e.g. 1.6.1 -> 1.6.3), the update is usually pretty easy (note that the upgrade to CMSimple_XH 1.5.4 is slightly less simple):
  1. make a backup of your website
  2. download the update package for this minor version, unzip it, and upload all files to your server
  3. check, if everything works as it should (you may have to delete the browser cache, to get up-to-date files)
Some update packages install newer versions of jQuery4CMSimple. These will overwrite the existing plugin config.php to cater for the new version numbers of the jQuery/jQueryUI files. If you have "autoload" enabled, you have to set that again after the update.

Upgrade: if you're running an older version, things are not as straight forward, particularly if you're running a version, that's not UTF-8 encoded (typically all versions before CMSimple_XH 1.2, as well as CMSimple "classic", CMSimple SE, CMSimple LE):
  1. install the new version in a test environment (on your local machine or in a subfolder of your webspace)
  2. copy the content/ folder, secondary language folders, the template(s), the plugins and all images and downloads from your old installation to the new one. If your old version didn't have pagedata.php files, delete these files from the new version.
  3. manually reconfigure Settings->CMS and Settings->Website and redo any modifications you've made under Settings->Language (to ease this step you can use the language and config defaults)
  4. if Settings->Language->Meta->Codepage is not equal to 'utf-8', make it so, install Utf8migrator_XH and use it to convert all files to UTF-8 (it's important to specify the current encoding of the files!).
  5. thoroughly check the site (you may have to delete the browser cache, to get up-to-date files) -- if you're lucky, and everything works as it should, you just can replace the old site with the new one (but anyway: keep a backup of the old site!)
  • links to CMSimple pages don't work anymore: that's probably caused by non ASCII characters in the page heading, which are encoded differently for ANSI resp. UTF-8. How to keep the old links working, is described in the XH wiki.
  • A plugin doesn't work as it should: some plugins don't reliably work with UTF-8 encoding (e.g. Genizforum). It's probably best to replace those plugins with UTF-8 encoded alternatives. If this is not possible, try to contact the plugin's author for help, or ask here in the forum
Any comments and additions are welcome!

Last edited by cmb on Thu Jan 29, 2015 12:15 am, edited 12 times in total.
Reason: added info about pagedata.php; distinguished between upgrade and update; added link regarding changed URLs; added info about jQuery4CMSimple; added note about caching
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by jop » Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:23 am

Thanks for very useful information.

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by cmb » Sat Sep 22, 2012 4:55 pm

Hello Community,

Deutsche Übersetzung, Русский перевод

if you want to upgrade from 1.5(.x) to 1.5.4 or 1.5.5:
  1. download and unzip the upgrade package
  2. reset your password in the config file as described in README.txt; and set $cf['security']['type'] to "page" or "javascript". Then save the file encoded as UTF-8 without BOM (see the XH wiki for details)
  3. if you've made modifications to tinymce's init files (in plugins/tinymce/inits/), redo this modifcations in the supplied init files (or vice versa)
  4. make a backup of your current installation
  5. upload the upgrade package to your current installation (overwrite existing files)
  6. log in with the default password (see README.txt)
  7. go to Settings->CMS and change the password, and copy over the settings of the "Hidden" category to "Show_hidden" (the former are not used anymore). If the old "Hidden" settings irritate you, you can delete the following 4 lines in cmsimple/config.php (again it's important to save the file encoded as UTF-8 without BOM):

    Code: Select all

  8. go to Plugins->jQuery->Config and change autoload to the desired value
  9. have a look at the System Check (Settings->Info)
  10. check if everything works as it should

PS: the Securtiy Type has to be changed in the config file already. I've corrected this in the description above.

PPS: it's mandatory to save the config file encoded as UTF-8 without BOM. The old "Hidden" configuration options can be deleted. I've added this above.
Last edited by cmb on Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: added links to translations; fixed typos
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by twc » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:47 pm

crap :twisted:

i dont upgrade no more........ too much hassle

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by cmb » Tue Sep 25, 2012 6:25 pm

Hi twc,
twc wrote:i dont upgrade no more
I don't recommend this.
twc wrote:too much hassle
Do you refer to the update from 1.5(.x) to 1.5.4 particularly?

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by twc » Tue Sep 25, 2012 7:53 pm

cmb wrote:Hi twc,
twc wrote:i dont upgrade no more
I don't recommend this.
twc wrote:too much hassle
Do you refer to the update from 1.5(.x) to 1.5.4 particularly?

update from 1.5(.x) to 1.5.4

better drop new version, and i must change agian tweaks that i did

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Re: How do I update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by cmb » Tue Sep 25, 2012 9:29 pm

Hi twc,

if I understand you correctly, you've made changes to the program files. Well, unfortunately that's always a problem with regard to a later upgrade. I've just written an article how those customizations might best be handled, to make future updates not too painful.

I hope that helps a bit.

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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Re: How do I upgrade/update to the latest CMSimple_XH versio

Post by cmb » Thu Nov 22, 2012 4:48 pm

Hello Community,

Christian (not the Christian registered in the forum) has sent me a detailed Howto about the upgrade from CMSimple_XH 1.4.x to 1.5.4+, that I don't want to withhold from you:

(Русский перевод)

How to upgrade from 1.4.x to 1.5.4+?

The differences between 1.4 and 1.5 are significant. This is why there is no upgrade patch available to replace single files.

The upgrade from 1.4 to 1.5 is actually performed as a migration.

A migration is a new installation followed by copying the individual data from the old to the new installation.

Individual data to migrate
  • cmsimple/languages/<LANG>config.php (what ever languages used)
  • cmsimple/config.php (replace your password with "\$P\$BHYRVbjeM5YAvnwX2AkXnyqjLhQAod1" (= hash for "test"))
  • content/content.htm
  • content/pagedata.php
  • all files in userfiles, images and downloads (= all uploadedfiles)
  • templates/<the template being used>
  • plugins (not delivered by 1.5)
  • other files like favicon.ico, robots.txt,...
Pay special attention to the individually installed plugins. Some create directories in the installation root (e.g. gallery).

Steps to upgrade/migrate
  • perform a backup of your 1.4-installation & test if it's valid
  • create a subdirectory in your 1.4.-installation called i.e. "155" (Or any other location on your server you can access from your browser.)
  • extract the 1.5-installation files in the 155-directory
  • in your browser: test if the new 1.5-installation is working (e.g. http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • copy all individual files listed above from the 1.4 to the 1.5-installation
  • check if the migration is complete (http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • log into the backend, change the password and check "setting -> info"
  • delete all directories and files of the 1.4-installation - except the 155-subdirectory(!) of course
  • move all files from 155 to the 1.4-installation directory (one directory up)
  • delete the 155-subdirectory & you're done.
  • If you recognize any missing data you still can recover files from your backup.
If you're unable to work on your server directly, you alternatively can perform the steps on your local PC:
  • perform a backup of your 1.4-installation to your PC
  • extract the 1.5-installation on your local PC
  • copy the individual files mentioned above from the backup into the 1.5-installation
  • create a subdirectory "155" on the server in your 1.4.-installation
  • upload all files from the local 1.5-installation into "155"
  • check it everything is ok (http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • log into the backend, change the password and check "setting -> info"
  • delete the 1.4-installation on your server
  • move all files from "155" to the 1.4-installation directory (one directory up)
Last edited by cmb on Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:44 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: added link to Russian translation; changed top level domains in example links to .example
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

Posts: 14227
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Location: Bingen, RLP, DE

Re: How do I upgrade/update to the latest CMSimple_XH version?

Post by cmb » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:19 am

Русский перевод ... 868#p30386 по Любомир:

Для обновления версии 1.5(.x) до версии 1.5.4 или 1.5.5 необходимо:
  1. загрузите и распакуйте пакет обновления
  2. обновите ваш пароль в файле конфигурации в соответствии с инструкцией в README.txt; и установите $cf['security']['type'] в "page" или "javascript". Потом сохраните файл в кодировке UTF-8 without BOM (подробности смотрите в XH wiki)
  3. если вы делали изменения в файле инициализации редактора tinymce (в каталоге plugins/tinymce/inits/), внесите эти изменения в новые поставляемые файлы инициализации (или наоборот)
  4. сделайте резервную копию вашей текущей установки
  5. загрузите пакет обновления в вашу текущую установку (с заменой существующих файлов)
  6. войдите в систему с паролем по умолчанию (см. README.txt)
  7. перейдите в меню Settings->CMS и измените пароль, в также копируйте настройки скрытых элементов "Hidden/Скрытые" в "Show_hidden/Отображать_скрытые" (предыдущие настройки больше не используются). Если предыдущие настройки элементов "Hidden/Скрытые" вас раздражают, вы можете удалить следующие 4 строки в файле cmsimple/config.php (важно: сохраните файл в кодировке UTF-8 without BOM):

    Code: Select all

  8. перейдите в меню Plugins->jQuery->Config и замените параметр autoload/автозагрузка на необходимое значение
  9. просмотрите сведения System Check (Проверка системы) (Settings->Info)
  10. убедитесь, что все работает надлежащим образом
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

Posts: 14227
Joined: Tue Jun 21, 2011 11:04 am
Location: Bingen, RLP, DE

Re: How do I upgrade/update to the latest CMSimple_XH versio

Post by cmb » Sat Dec 22, 2012 11:56 am

Русский перевод ... 868#p31668 по Любомир:

Как обновить версию CMSimple 1.4.x до 1.5.4+?

Версии 1.4 и 1.5 имеют существенные отличия. Поэтому для обновления недостаточно простой замены отдельных файлов.

Обновление версии 1.4 до версии 1.5 в настоящее время расценивается как переход на новую версию.

Переход осуществляется путем новой установки, заключающейся в копировании определенных данных из CMS предыдущей версии в новую установленную систему.

Данные, нуждающиеся в перемещении
  • cmsimple/languages/<LANG>config.php (в соотвествии с используемым вами языком)
  • cmsimple/config.php (замените ваш пароль этим: "\$P\$BHYRVbjeM5YAvnwX2AkXnyqjLhQAod1" (= хеш пароля, по умолчанию "test"))
  • content/content.htm
  • content/pagedata.php
  • все файлы в каталогах userfiles, images и downloads (= все загруженные файлы)
  • templates/<используемый шаблон>
  • plugins (не поставляемые в основном дистрибутиве 1.5)
  • другие файлы - favicon.ico, robots.txt и пр.
Обратите особое внимание на отдельные установленные плагины. Некоторые из плагинов создают каталоги в корневой директории системы (например, gallery).

Последовательность обновления/перемещения
  • создайте резервную копию системы версии 1.4 и проверьте ее работоспособность
  • создайте подкаталог в вашей установленной системе версии 1.4., например "155" (или в любом другом расположении на вашем сервере, к которому вы имеете доступ из вашего браузера.)
  • распакуйте установочные файлы версии 1.5 в каталог 155
  • проверьте в браузере работоспособность новой установки системы версии 1.5 (например, http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • копируйте перечисленные выше файлы из каталога версии 1.4 в каталог установленной версии 1.5
  • проверьте, что переход полностью осуществлен (http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • войдите в режим администрирования, измените пароль и проверьте "setting -> info"
  • удалите все каталоги и файлы установленной версии 1.4, за исключением подкаталога 155 (!), естественно
  • переместите все файлы из каталога 155 в каталог установленной версии 1.4 (каталогом выше)
  • удалите подкаталог 155 и завершите переход на новую версию.
  • обнаружив недостающие файлы, восстановите их из резервной копии.
Если вы не имеете возможности работать не сервере непосредственно, в таком случае, вы можете выполнить необходимые действия на вашем локальном ПК:
  • создайте резервную копию установленной версии 1.4 на вашем ПК
  • распакуйте установочные файлы версии 1.5 на ваш локальный ПК
  • копируйте перечисленные выше файлы из резервной копии в каталог с установленной новой версией 1.5
  • создайте подкаталог "155" на сервере с установленной версией 1.4.
  • загрузите все файлы из локальной установки версии 1.5 в каталог "155"
  • проверьте, что все в порядке (http://your-domain.example/155/)
  • войдите в режим администрирования, измените пароль и проверьте "setting -> info"
  • удалите уставленную на вашем сервере версию 1.4
  • переместите файлы из каталога "155" в каталог, где была установлена версия 1.4 (каталогом выше).
Last edited by cmb on Fri Oct 04, 2013 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: changed top level domains in example links to .example
Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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