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Styling of the Admin Menu

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:35 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

I've noticed, that the admin menu hides behind the info button of Socialshareprivacy_XH. That's due to the z-index of the button being 1000, but the admin menu has only 99. IMO the z-index of the admin menu should be higher than that, but it would be even better, if this could be changed in core.css. Unfortunately the <div> surrounding the admin menu has neither an ID nor a class, so it cannot be reliably styled in core.css.

So I suggest adding something like the following to core.css:

Code: Select all

#editmenu_scrolling {z-index: 999;}
#editmenu_fixed {position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 999;}
and changing cmsimple/cms.php function final_clean_up() accordingly.

I'm well aware, that it should be easy to fix the z-index in Socialshareprivacy_XH, but other plugins and templates may have the same problem, and sometimes the simplest solution would be to adapt core.css. And IMO inline styling should best be avoided anyway.
