Styling of the Admin Menu

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Styling of the Admin Menu

Post by cmb » Sun Sep 23, 2012 3:35 pm

Hello Community,

I've noticed, that the admin menu hides behind the info button of Socialshareprivacy_XH. That's due to the z-index of the button being 1000, but the admin menu has only 99. IMO the z-index of the admin menu should be higher than that, but it would be even better, if this could be changed in core.css. Unfortunately the <div> surrounding the admin menu has neither an ID nor a class, so it cannot be reliably styled in core.css.

So I suggest adding something like the following to core.css:

Code: Select all

#editmenu_scrolling {z-index: 999;}
#editmenu_fixed {position: fixed; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; z-index: 999;}
and changing cmsimple/cms.php function final_clean_up() accordingly.

I'm well aware, that it should be easy to fix the z-index in Socialshareprivacy_XH, but other plugins and templates may have the same problem, and sometimes the simplest solution would be to adapt core.css. And IMO inline styling should best be avoided anyway.

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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