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Escaping of config and language strings

Posted: Tue Jul 17, 2012 7:43 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

while trying to implement encrypted passwords, I've stumbled again across the wrong escaping of config and language strings. I've reported this a while ago for the pluginloader, but this time I had similar problems in the core. cmsimple/adm.php line 327:

Code: Select all

$text .= '$' . $a . '[\'' . $k1 . '\'][\'' . $k2 . '\']="' . preg_replace("/\"/s", "", $GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2]) . '";' . "\n"; 
IMO too simple a solution: just remove all double-quotes as they would corrupt the string -- and hope that the user won't enter a backslash (which will often eat up the next character) or even a $-sign (which will eat up the following characters, or in the worst case insert the value of a variable).

Why not simply use addcslashes()?

Code: Select all

addcslashes($GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2], "\0..\37\"\$\\") 
This $charlist should cater for all possibilities, and so I would prefer it over my suggestion in the thread about the pluginloader's escaping.

IMO this should have been already fixed. ;)


Re: Escaping of config and language strings

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 3:40 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

the mentioned issue has been fixed in CMSimple_XH 1.5.4 -- but only for the core. The pluginloader still doesn't escape the strings correctly, as I've just noticed.

So we should make up for that in CMSimple_XH 1.5.6.
