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CMSimple_XH and Mobiles/Tablets

Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2012 9:35 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

as the marketshare of mobiles and tablets as devices to surf the web is constantly increasing, it might be reasonable to put more effort in supporting these. bca published the fine HandheldXH plugin last year, which facilitates automatically redirecting mobile browsers to a mobile friendly subdomain. But there are very few templates available, which are optimized for mobile browsers.

So I want to encourage the template designers to publish more mobile friendly templates; either by using fluid layouts in combinations with the new CSS media queries, or by making explicit "mobile" templates optimized for small screens.

Additionally it might be a good idea (I'm not sure, if that's necessary though) to ease the site administration from mobile devices. I'm able to edit my site with Opera Mobile Emulator, but even in Landscape mode I'm not able to use the complete admin menu ("Plugins" and "Logout" is missing). I'm using a modified version of bca's mobile template and Codeeditor_XH. With "normal" templates the admin menu is completely available, but the WYSIWYG editors don't seem to work on mobile browsers as AFAIK none of these support IFrames in design mode (I'm not up to date about the availability of contentEditable). So this might be also something to improve for CMSimple_XH...
