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Post by cmb » Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:47 pm

Hello developers,

I wonder if the usage of amp() is reasonable. & is a valid HTML entity. Souldn't it be recommended to use this for both XHTML and HTML compliant code. In most cases it might be simpler to write (and it spares the function call overhead). And I'm not sure if & is allowed for HTML5.

As I understand amp() was introduced by Peter Harteg as he introduced XHTML as alternative. As & is invalid in XHTML he had to cater for it.

The only advantage I found in using amp() instead of & is a slight decrease of the size of the HTTP response. Perhaps something to worry about ;)

So shouldn't it be recommended to best use & instead of amp(), and shall amp() be deprecated and tagged as such in the API documentation.

Any comments appreciated.

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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