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EU Cookie Law

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:37 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

has anybody normative information about the Eu Cookie Law? I wasn't able to find such information, and particularly it's not clear for me, in which countries the law has already become effective, and where to find the normative information particularly for Germany.

I found which explains everything very graspable, but I have no clue, if the information given is (a) reliable and (b) holds for all countries of the EU.

ISTM that it's worth developing a plugin that will stop viewing a site until the visitor has opted-in to accept the cookies. Any volunteers?


Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:21 pm
by maeg

This is a very interesting thread.
cmb wrote: in which countries the law has already become effective
As far as i know about the law here in denmark the low has been effective, but there it is not a EU low agenst cookies that says "you can't use cookies", but you have to tell all visitor on your website if your website is using cookies, and what they are used for.

Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:38 pm
by cmb
Hi maeg,
maeg wrote:This is a very interesting thread.
+ 1 ;)
maeg wrote:but you have to tell all visitor on your website if your website is using cookies, and what they are used for.
Basically yes. But it seems the situation is more complex:
  • some cookies might be set without further notice (e.g. login cookies, as they are essential for working in the back-end)
  • some cookies have to be announced to the visitor (e.g. in the legal notices of the site)
  • some cookies must not be set, until the visitor has explicitely agreed (cookies that are used for tracking the user, e.g. for google analytics)
But it's not clear to me, if the cookies set by Minicounter_XH fall in the 3. category, as they don't really allow to track the user (no further information is connected to them). :?

And it seems, that it might make a difference, if the cookies are set as session cookies (i.e. will be destroyed when the browser is closed) or if they're set permanently.


Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 9:24 am
by marksteven
The law has not yet been implemented in Germany, but is due this year / early 2013.

There's a useful table here which covers the degree of implementation across EU member states: ... -2012.aspx

If you need a cookie law compliance solution, check out Cookie Control (it's free):

Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 12:59 pm
by cmb
marksteven wrote:There's a useful table here which covers the degree of implementation across EU member states: ... -2012.aspx
Very useful information :) Thanks a lot.
marksteven wrote:If you need a cookie law compliance solution, check out Cookie Control (it's free):
If I understand it correctly, Cookie Control requires Javascript to be enabled in the visitors browser. But what if the visitor has JS disabled, but accepts cookies?

Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2012 7:05 pm
by Georgie
cmb wrote:
marksteven wrote:There's a useful table here which covers the degree of implementation across EU member states: ... -2012.aspx
Very useful information :) Thanks a lot.

This is a great site.
marksteven wrote:If you need a cookie law compliance solution, check out Cookie Control (it's free):
If I understand it correctly, Cookie Control requires Javascript to be enabled in the visitors browser. But what if the visitor has JS disabled, but accepts cookies?
You have to take a holistic approach, your cookie policy page should also tell users how to stop 'cookies' using their browser settings.

I have put together a white paper that gives useful information on cookie compliancy. I've included useful links too.

Hope it helps...

Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Wed Jul 24, 2013 8:13 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

I've just came across an interesting article regarding the EU cookie directive (its in German language). There it is written:
In Deutschland ist eine Umsetzung in nationales Recht zwar bisher nicht erfolgt, doch bereits im Mai 2012 betonte Bundesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit (BfDI) Peter Schaar: "Die Cookie-Regelung in der E-Privacy-Richtlinie ist direkt anwendbar und wird so von den Aufsichtsbehörden gehandhabt".
Das Bündnis der Datenschutzbeauftragten der Länder, der Düsseldorfer Kreis, hat im November 2010 die Vorgaben der Richtlinie eindeutig interpretiert: "Die bisherige Opt-out-Lösung wird durch eine Opt-in-Lösung mit einer vorherigen umfassenden Information über die Zwecke der Verarbeitung ersetzt."
A very nice implementation can be found on It seems this solution implements the opt-out, but I'm especially impressed about the "settings" dialog where each (set of) cookie(s) is explained and one can choose between different levels. I have not yet thought about all the details, but it might be a nice improvement for Privacy_XH. However, it would be preferable if other plugins make the appropriate information available to Privacy_XH (so that not every webmaster has to find it out for himself). If other developers are interested in this topic, we may discuss this in the Open Development section of the board.


Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2013 9:57 pm
by Hugorm

I have had a look at It seems a very important language is missing (Danish).

I have the feeling that Denmark is ahead in the debate of information and consent. The technical use is unimportant compared to the overall use of the informations (analycis, tracking etc.).
It seems as Denmark are 100% opt-in, but opening for implicit or if you do not activly say NO - you say YES to cookies. Many implementation lack the informations prior to consent.
The question of the very first contact to a website and it's interpretation (Cookie yes/no - no information added to URL) is still open. Do you get access when you detect a missing imformation?

I still have not seen any implementation where you could recall your consent from an analycis ie. the analicys changes with exactly your data, when you do a recall.

I'm +1 for an item under open development where a joint solution can be found for CMSimple.


Re: EU Cookie Law

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 12:42 pm
by cmb
cmb wrote:If other developers are interested in this topic, we may discuss this in the Open Development section of the board.
Hugorm wrote:I'm +1 for an item under open development where a joint solution can be found for CMSimple.
More opinions?