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Deprecated? What does this mean?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:16 pm
by swisstim
A couple of years ago my son-in-law helped me set up a cmsimple website for my private teaching mandate:
Without any former knowledge I got this site up and running, so I am proud of that AND thankful too.

But now suddenly two lines appeared above the site:

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /var/kunden/webs/tal/ch.teachertim/cmsimple/cms.php on line 41

The same goes for my cmsimple website for infrared heaters:

Deprecated: Function eregi() is deprecated in /var/kunden/webs/tal/com.sunshine-heaters/cmsimple/cms.php on line 41

What does this mean? My son-in-law couldn't help me either.
Thanks to anyone who can help me delete these lines.

Tim Allen, Switzerland

Re: Deprecated? What does this mean?

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:27 pm
by cmb
Hi Tim,

"deprecated" is used in computer jargon as a word to tell typically programmers that something should not be used anymore, as it will removed sometime in the future. That's exactly the case with the mentioned function eregi(). This function is deprecated since PHP 5.3. So either your hoster has updated to this version, or a setting has changed, which displays these error (normally they shouldn't show up).

The simplest and cleanest way to solve the issue is to upgrade to CMSimple 3.4, which doesn't use any eregi() anymore (and fixes some securtiy holes as well!). But I see that your contact form is build with ASForm, probably an older version, which uses eregi() after the mail was sent. So you should update ASForm too, which was recently released as version 2.9, with the eregi() calls removed.

If you need more info about how to update, feel free to ask.


Re: Deprecated? What does this mean?

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 4:36 am
by swisstim
Thank you Christoph
Though I don't understand your answer I will pass this info on to someone who might be able to fix this problem.
Kind regards