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Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2010 4:00 pm
by Gert

many thanks to Carsten Heinelt, he has allowed me to modify the plugin "register" for CMSimple_XH :P

I have made a completely code-rewrite and added some new features:

- code-cleaning - modified for CMSimple_XH
- register function possible to enable/disable ($plugin_cf['register']['allowed_register'])
- horizontal login-form now for areas with a width of 740px or higher (header or footer)
- you can define a login page in the language settings ($plugin_tx['register']['login_page'])

Download: ... ter_mod_XH

Now nobody needs the plugin "memberpages" anymore, register_mod_XH is the better solution to create a members-area.

Of course register_mod_XH also works with older CMSimple-versions.

Please test and give feedback - Gert

Re: Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 8:22 pm
by hhippo

I've tested register_mod_XH for maybe a week now and I have to say that I'm not going back to the memberpages plugin anymore. Thanks for the great work! The downside is that I didn't manage to get the "image" captcha working. It only displays the alt text "Verify Image" in place of the actual image. Also the welcome notice "Hallo, <registered user>" needs to be in language files.

Best Regards,

Re: Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 9:12 am
by Gert
Hallo hhippo,

I have changed the index.php and created a new lang. var. for the next version:


Code: Select all

        // loggedin user
        if($plugin_cf[$plugin]['login_layout'] == 'horizontal')
        $o .= "\n".'<div class="regi_loggedin_loggedinarea_hor">'."\n".'<div class="regi_loggedin_user_hor">'.$plugin_tx[$plugin]['loggedin_welcometext'].' '.$_SESSION['fullname'].',&nbsp; </div>'."\n";
        $o .= "\n".'<div class="regi_loggedin_loggedinarea_ver">'."\n".'<div class="regi_loggedin_user_ver">'.$plugin_tx[$plugin]['loggedin_welcometext'].' '.$_SESSION['fullname'].',&nbsp; </div>'."\n"; 
new lang. var.:

Code: Select all

You can change it by yourself, I will wait for some other ideas before publish a new version.
hhippo wrote:I didn't manage to get the "image" captcha working. It only displays the alt text "Verify Image" in place of the actual image.
Do you mean the captcha on the registration page? It's working on my test installation:

Can you give me an url?

Re: Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:03 pm
by hhippo
Hi Gert and thanks for the response!

Sorry I can't send you the server address (its still work in progress and I don't want to make it public yet) but here's some more information about the issue. I'm currently developing in my home lan and both the server and my workstation are sitting behind the same router. I've redirected traffic from my router's 8000 port to server's 80 port and I'm accessing cmsimple via the router's public ip like this: http://public_ip:8000/cmsimple.
I have gallery, simplemultiuser, ublog, etc. installed and they all work fine.

The generated captcha image tag looks like this:
<img src="/cmsimple/index.php?Rekister%F6idy&action=register_captcha&captcha=l6xmpA%3D%3D&ip=" alt="Verify Image" width="120" height="20">

I suspect that the problem is the ip in the url. It points to my router's lan ip (not the public ip) and there is nothing running there at port 80. My ISP also prevents accessing port 80 from public internet so using it is not even an option.

Edit: It's not the IP - even a hard coded public address doesn't work. Securimage captcha for gallery is working ok so I'm out of ideas what is causing this.

I think that there's a related problem in the registration process. The email contains a link like this:

It is also missing the port 8000 and won't therefore work.

But... maybe this is just a problem in my development environment and it will go away when deploying the site to our production server.

About the ideas for next version. How about adding a view for managing the users in groups? When the number of users goes up to few dozens and there are many groups it would be nice to have a view that displays a list of users in each group. I'm pretty new to cmsimple and even newer to php so I don't know if that is feasible.


Re: Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 10:36 pm
by hhippo
Whew... After furious debugging I solved the captcha problem.

It's in line 87

Code: Select all

Removing this line makes the captcha image work. This happens because I'm using Debian Lenny's PHP which is using the system's gd library instead of the bundled one. And guess which one of those contains the imageantialias function...

Is it possible to replace antialiasing with some other code that has a similar effect or to make it optional in plugin configuration?


Re: Plugin register_mod_XH

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 10:02 pm
by bastingse
i think i already ask for this option in the register plugin but it is a lot of work....
It would be cool if you as an admin could set a page to redirect after login for each member apart.

That would make this plugin really fantastic!!