
Please post the URLs to sites, you've set up in CMSimple, here!
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Posts: 174
Joined: Thu May 22, 2008 11:44 pm
Location: Hessen / Germany


Post by beate_r » Sun Jul 20, 2008 11:29 pm

Hi there,

a site i have set up with cmsimple is http://www.main-ts.de/ . It is the information site of a regional support group. The template has been taken from dotcomwebdesign, but it needed significant fine tuning - not only the header image has been changed, but also many details of colors, widths of the margins and style of lettering.

Implemented are a RSS feed for the blog like news page and a set of password protected members pages. In the background a cron job running tidy to ensure readability of the html code (i often prefer editing the content.htm with a local emacs) and an automated backup of the site to one of my machines at home using rsync. Especially after my migration from apache - mod-php to nginx - fastcgi i am pretty happy with the performance of cmsimple.


PS: Something i'd like to integrate is a small-is-beautiful CRM like address book using either flat file or postgres as its database (i am on a small vserver and prefer postgres over mysql due to its smaller memory footprint) to be accessed by only those who have access to the administration password and would welcome any suggestions (mhmm, vtiger & co are too bloated for my purpose).

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