(Brasilian) Portuguese Translations wanted

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(Brasilian) Portuguese Translations wanted

Post by cmb » Thu Jul 31, 2014 12:10 am

Hello Community,

since several weeks I'm noticing plenty of CMSimple_XH downloads from Brasil. During July that was even the country with the most downloads! :) (Since CMSimple_XH is available on SourceForge, the most downloads have been always from Germany, AFAIK.)

However, we do not have to offer a (Brasilian) Portuguese language pack, nor are there (m)any plugin translations. :(

I hope that will change soon. Anybody who has translated the core of CMSimple_XH or some plugins is invited to publish these translations here. You can also write a PM to svasti or me.

TIA. :)

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

Posts: 1660
Joined: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:08 pm

Re: (Brasilian) Portuguese Translations wanted

Post by svasti » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:17 am

Strange, none of them is showing up here in the forum.

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