Fully integrate page_params into the core

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Fully integrate page_params into the core

Post by cmb » Mon Jan 12, 2015 12:38 am

Hello Community,

IMO the page_params plugin (at least some of its funcionality) is too special and to widely in use to keep it as a plugin. The most special functionality in this regard is the hiding and unpublishing of pages, closely followed by the page redirection (used from toc()).

When CMSimple_XH was created it was pretty sound to develop this special functionality as a plugin, because CMSimple was still under development (that is to say, its further maintenance had not been declared ceased). Unfortunately, that required jumping through hoops for other plugins or simply ignoring the page_params settings. As CMSimple_XH is an independent CMS since quite a while, I suggest to simplify this with XH 1.7 by integrating page_params or at least the relevant parts of it directly into the core, and to offer an API for plugins to easily access the respective information. If we decide to only integrate parts of page_params in the core, we may consider to remove the remaining page_params from the standard distribution.

Christoph M. Becker – Plugins for CMSimple_XH

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