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Clearing floats

Posted: Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:55 pm
by cmb
Hello Community,

when working with floating elements, there's often the need to clear them so that the following elements will not float anymore. However, there is a certain layout technique which seems to be used sometimes in templates where a two column layout is created by floating only the left column, and setting a left margin for the right column. Normally, that works fine, but there may be issues when floats are cleared in the right column. To demonstrate this I have set up As you can see, the second "Lorem ipsum" paragraph is pushed down below the red box on the left. This is caused by a <div style="clear"> after the first "Lorem ipsum" paragraph. One way to avoid this undesired behavior is to establish a block formatting context for the green box, what can be done by setting overflow:hidden for this box; simply press the button (requires JavaScript) to see the result.

So it seems to be a good idea to establish a block formatting context for boxes where floats are cleared. However, overflow:hidden may have undesired side-effects. For instance, CSS pop-ups which don't fit in the box will be chopped.

Has anybody a general solution for this issue? Or shall we deprecate this particular layout technique for templates?


Re: Clearing floats

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 12:48 pm
by manu
google "css clearfix" - tons to read... has a good documentation online or download pdf (even in german).

Re: Clearing floats

Posted: Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:39 pm
by cmb
manu wrote: has a good documentation online or download pdf (even in german).
Thanks a lot! The section Containing Floats is really very interesting. I have updated my little demo accordingly and added a CSS popup for the second paragraph. The effect of "table" is exactly what I was looking for (it won't work on IE<8 where the effect is most likely as with "nothing", but that is acceptable).